ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Cincinnati & Surrounding Areas

A Customized Home Alarm System In Cincinnati For Your One-Of-A-Kind Home

No matter if you’re in the market for a simple security system or you'd like an automated house system, you can't go wrong in Cincinnati installing a home alarm system secured by ADT monitoring. From window and door sensors to keyfob remotes and panic buttons, your newly installed system will work together to help watch over your home. Each home security system in Cincinnati is professionally installed, user-friendly, and monitored around the clock by ADT.

Cincinnati security window sensor

Door and Window Sensors Help Protect Your Home’s Points of Entry

Help safeguard main points of entry by installing ADT monitored window and door sensors. When you activate the system, an alarm will go off once the magnets come apart.

Cincinnati security motion sensor

PIR Motion Sensors Catch One’s Movement

System motion detectors can safeguard a large space and catch both movement and body heat. With pet immunity under 60 pounds, your home’s motion detectors wil alert you to undesired intruders and not your cherished pets.

Cincinnati high-decibel alarmHigh-Decibel Alarms Emit High-Frequency Sound

Every time a sensor is triggered, your home’s high-decibel alarm will notify you with a noise strong enough to be heard from all around the house. The high frequency alarm will help make sure your family is alerted and finds safety quickly.

Cincinnati security panic buttonPanic Button Remote Will Activate Your Alarm

If you have an emergency and you aren’t able to access your digital keypad, you can easily trigger your alarm using the panic button remote. The remote will trigger your high frequency alarm and notify your ADT monitoring station.

Cincinnati security panel

ADT’s Digital Control Panel And Keypad Is Simple To Use

Your digital control panel performs as the core of your home security system in Cincinnati. The panel is easy to control and ready to accommodate all of your home security components. You can also signal the ADT monitoring center directly with the push of a button.

Cincinnati security key fob

Wireless Keychain Remote Controls Your Security System From Any Place In The Home

Arming and disarming the home security system can be as effortless as unlocking your vehicle. Just press the keyfob button from any place in the home to turn the alarms off and on.

Cincinnati security smartlock

Smart Locks With Keyless Entry

Get keyless entry into your home with ADT monitored smart locks. Establish separate numerical codes for each member of the family. You can also lock or unlock your doors by clicking a remote and receive alerts by way of ADT Command.

Cincinnati security yard sign

Signage And Stickers As A Defense

Warn uninvited visitors and let them know that your family’s home is guarded by a residential security system backed by ADT monitoring. Advertising that your house is protected by a Cincinnati home alarm system can frequently be the best deterrent.


Expertly Installed Home Security System Performs Right From The First Day

While you are able to buy your Cincinnati home alarm system directly out of a box, there’s no promise that it’ll perform the way you intended. With professional installation, you can expect that your home alarm system will be ready to go with ADT monitoring immediately after install. Your installer can book appointments around your schedule, with next-day and same-day installs possible in most areas. And the technicians won’t leave the premises until you know how to manage your newly installed home security system.

Your Cincinnati Home Alarm System Is Supported By 24/7 ADT Monitoring

Regardless of which Cincinnati home alarm system you select, rest assured that your system is supported by 24/7 ADT monitoring. Whenever an alarm or sensor is compromised, one of ADT’s reps will quickly call local emergency responders included on your personalized home security plan. You can also contact your monitoring station right away utilizing panic buttons, digital control panels, and the ADT Control app.